Speed Networking Breakfast

Registered students are invited to attend this innovative and popular event that maximizes interaction between companies and potential hires.  Held prior to the Career Fair, this event is an excellent primer for success in connecting with potential employers.

Two rotations are held during this session.  Students have 40 minutes to visit with sponsors and recruiters at hosted roundtables.  Each table sits 8 students and 2 recruiters.  After the end of each rotation, students MUST exit and grab their Breakfast-To-Go-Box.

This event takes place on Friday, October 13 beginning at 8AM.

Rotation 1: The first group of students enters at 8:00 AM and exits at 8:40 AM.  At the end of the rotation, students must exit to allow the second group of students to enter.  Students may re-enter the session as part of Rotation 2, if space is available.

Rotation 2: The second group of students enters at 8:50AM and exits at 9:30 AM.

A diagram and listing of the available sponsors will be posted on Friday morning, prior to the event.