NET Talks

Prepare to Enter the Workforce with Chevron Latino Leaders
Chevron Corporation
Gabriel Ruscalleda, Project Engineer
Angel Uruchima, Strategy and Business Planning Manager 

Come learn from 21st century Chevron leaders to prepare to enter the workforce by learning how to develop your soft skills, leadership and technical skills.   


21st Century Leadership: Leveraging Six Sigma Skills for Your Career   
Lockheed Martin Corporation 
Mariana Monteiro, Global Diversity and Inclusion  
Chris Smith, Manufacturing Engineer Sr Staff
Raymond Corona, Project Engineer Sr. Staff 

Curious how Six Sigma principles are used in the aerospace industry to streamline work? Find out how Lockheed Martin team members use Six Sigma in their roles to increase productivity while reducing inefficiencies. And, you’ll have a chance to apply Six Sigma in a fun hands-on activity! 


It’s Breaking Down Norms While Soaring into the Workforce 
The Boeing Company 
Alma Limon-Vichy, Configuration Engineer 

Lupita Herrera, Manufacturing Engineer 

Have you wondered what it takes to land a job at your dream company? For two Boeing entry-level engineers, Alma Limon-Vichy and Lupita Herrera, navigating their early career path has never been linear. This NetTalk will encompass their stories of what it's like being a nontraditional student and a DACA recipient while making it into the aerospace industry. Learn first-hand and join the conversation on how practical experiences and mentorship can lead you to landing a job. Additionally, discover the array of resources Boeing offers for relocation and fostering a sense of belonging. 


21st Century Leadership 
Vanessa Vera, AN/TPY-2 Domestic Production/ Radar 13 Program Manager 

Do you ever think about where your leaders started from? Who have they learned from? What influences their decision making? This Net Talk will focus on professional lessons learned and pivotal moments in my career, as well as how personal life events shaped where I am today. 


Owning Your Career Journey
Lockheed Martin Corporation 

Today’s competitive job landscape is marked by career journeys that are not always one straight path. Learn the value of business resource groups, lateral moves and non-traditional leadership opportunities and how they can influence a career path. Whether you are in college or an experienced professional this session is not to be missed! 

The Importance of Giving and Receiving Feedback in Cultivating a Culture of Growth 
The Boeing Company
Dr. Adiel Guinzburg, Product Support Program Manager
Arnold Morales, KC-46 Systems Safety Manager 

Have you ever wondered how to initiate feedback? Is there a different strategy for requesting feedback depending on the situation? What do you do when the feedback does not feel that it represents who you are? How can you use feedback for personal growth? How do you give feedback? If these questions pique your interest then join us…or feel free to ask your own! 


Prepare to Enter the Workforce
Angela Brooks, Talent Acquisition Manager
Danny Benitez, Senior Manager, Program Management 

I came up with an outline for a presentation centered around owning your career. I want the audience to leave feeling empowered to use their voice, understanding the power of networking and relationships, and having a growth mindset. As I reflected on leaving the military service at 24 years old, I wish someone would have told me how important it is to own my own journey and not depend on others or wait for an opportunity to present itself. 


Defining Your Future
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Candidates and companies have a stake in each other’s futures. That collective future is at the end of that journey from opportunity seeker to new employee to someone exploring new growth opportunities in a company every day. The journey can be exciting, but sometimes challenging to navigate. To help with the navigation, getting answers to key questions can be essential, like: Will I fit in here? Does this company share my values? How have people like me succeeded here? In this session, Northrop Grumman executives will have answers to these questions and more to guide people on this journey and how to find a company that shares an applicant’s goals for the future.

Be a Star! How to Create a Competitive Graduate School Application
Educational Testing Services (ETS) 
Jose F. Ochoa 

This session will introduce prospective students to the graduate school application process and offer a specific set of tasks to help future applicants put together a competitive graduate school application. 


Skill Setting in the Next Digital Age
Northrop Grumman Corporation 

The age of advanced computing and predictive/generative AI present myriad opportunities to deliver the best innovations. How can we ensure professionals are well prepared for the next digital age where the pace of technology development will occur at warp speed? Northrop Grumman executives will discuss the digital transformation of the company and its products, and how employees are empowered to utilize their talents and in-demand skillsets to forge what’s possible in our ever-evolving digital age. 

Leading War-Fighting Technologies Across Air, Space, and Cyberspace
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Mr. J. Derek Miller, HQ AFMC Planning & Programs Engineer
Dr. Mitch Bogle, AFRL Chemist

Awilda Santana, LCMC Deputy Chief, Resources & Force Deployment 

The rapid pace of technology as we compete with China and how that drives us to hire the best and brightest scientists and engineers and provide them with family-forward benefits and opportunities for growth and work-life balance. 


DoD SMART Scholarship Program

Join the Department of Defense (DoD) Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship Program team to learn about the rewarding work within the DoD and the SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program. SMART is a combined educational and workforce development opportunity for STEM students and the largest education and workforce initiative under DoD STEM and the National Defense Education Program. SMART offers scholarships for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students currently pursuing a degree in one of 24 STEM disciplines. SMART scholars receive full tuition, annual stipends, internships, and guaranteed full-time employment with the DoD after graduation. Applications are open annually from August 1 – December 1.

Workforce Development I: Prepare to Enter the Workforce

Rosaly J. Santos-Ebaugh, P.E. - Environmental Assurance Branch, Chief 

NASA offers a variety of employment opportunities to match where you are in your life and career. At NASA, this means ensuring a healthy culture for our teammates. This starts with the trust and connection our leadership builds with their teams. Our more than 18,000 professionals come from many diverse backgrounds but are united by a common purpose: to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research. Join us for a NetTalk on how to join our team of engineers, scientists, program managers, data scientists and more who share a passion for exploration and a drive for excellence. 


Charge YOUR Future with the Changemakers of Tomorrow
Shell USA, Inc.
Tricia Avila Moss, Information Digital Technology Acquisitions & Divestments Manager Americas
Jesus E. Guerrero-Herrera, Vice President, and General Manager for Lubricants Supply Chain
Clotilde Chen Valdes, Petrophysicist
Ruben Cheng, Standards & Assurance
Adriana Velasquez, Product Manager for Lubricants and Americas Base Oils Focal
Lissett Barrios, Staff Production Engineer
Gabriel Guzman, Supply Manager
Alfonso Arreguin, Network Security Engineer

Ready to make an impact in your future career and on the rest of the world?? Come hear from Shell Executive and Emerging Leaders about how you can become a changemaker in energy.