Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
See what’s new: Revised ACJS Program Standards and new program endorsement policies
Members of the Academic Review Committee (ARC) will present an overview of ACJS’s newly revised Academic Quality Standards and the Academy’s revamped external program review process. More than ever, high-quality criminal justice programs need to differentiate themselves from the growing crop of weak, adjunct-laden, and for-profit programs around the country. The ACJS Standards are designed to provide benchmarks to distinguish your program from your competitor’s and offer a way to provide support in a competitive higher education environment. Much of this session will involve questions and answers from the audience.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Jeff Bouffard, Iowa State UniversityLocation: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 124
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 124
2023031511:0012:15 015 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E19BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
ACJS External Program Reviewer Training (Closed Session, Pre-registration Required)
The Academic Review Committee is responsible for maintaining and periodically updating the Academy’s Academic Quality Standards and maintains a list of trained academic reviewers who can conduct external reviews using the ACJS Standards. This 3-hour session will provide training for individuals (with a rank of Associate professor or higher) interested in being listed as ACJS Trained Reviewers using the recently revised Academic Quality Standards and the revamped external review process. This training is also required for any current certified reviewers who wish to maintain their role as certified, trained reviewers. This is a closed session and pre-registration is required.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Jeff Bouffard, Iowa State University Presenter: Jay Albanese, Virginia Commonwealth University Presenter: Christine Tartaro, Stockton University Presenter: Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New JerseyLocation: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 193
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 193
2023031508:0011:00 036 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E19BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Assessing Assessments: An Interactive Workshop
Assessment is critical in measuring the effectiveness of student learning outcomes. In this interactive workshop, members of the ACJS Assessment Committee will offer resources that will assist faculty with the creation and improvement of student assessments. Participants are encouraged to bring their assessment plans to the workshop to guide the small group discussions.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Kimberly D Dodson, University of Houston-Clear Lake Presenter: Shavonne Arthurs, Seton Hill University Presenter: Heather Alaniz-Salas, Sam Houston State University Presenter: LeAnn Nic Cabage, Kennesaw State University Presenter: Rosemary Gido, Indiana University of PennsylvaniaLocation: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 131
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 131
2023031512:3013:45 005 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E19BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Unlocking the Mysteries: Securing Funding and Support from U.S. Department of Justice’s Two Science Agencies
This workshop will feature experts from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics and National Institute of Justice agencies who will discuss funding mechanisms (e.g., solicitations, procurements/contracts, agreements) and opportunities (e.g., assistantships, fellowships, and internships) and the application and peer review processes associated with each. The workshop will close with a frequently asked questions period that will highlight best practices for application submissions and general policy guidance for applicants. Following the presentation, the session will be open to discussion; however, staff will not be able to address specific, active solicitations.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Angela M. Moore, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Presenter: Kevin M. Scott, Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice Presenter: Christine Crossland, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of JusticeLocation: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 302
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 302
2023031615:3016:45 018 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Outside Academia: Tips for Government Job Seekers
The workshop is hosted by the ACJS Employment Exchange Program and led by a research specialist working with practitioners at the third most populous county government in the United States. She will discuss how to find government positions, how to assess one's fit to government positions, how government employment process could be different from academia, and overall environment in government offices, among others. Attendants will be able to ask questions during the workshop.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Veronyka James, Office of Justice and Safety, Harris County, Texas Presenter: Jonathan Lee, Penn State HarrisburgLocation: Chesapeake B, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 422
Location: Chesapeake B, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 422
2023031708:0009:15 011 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Asynchronous Team-Based Learning in Criminal Justice
Team-based learning (TBL) is an active, structured form of small group learning and has been shown to improve student success. TBL has been implemented for in-person classes, but since the pandemic, more students are moving to taking online classes. Therefore, the need for peer interaction and engaged learning in online criminal justice classes is vital for academic success and TBL is a great teaching opportunity to achieve this goal. Given the fact that most students tend to take online courses for flexibility in learning, it becomes necessary to find a solution to doing TBL in asynchronous online classrooms.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Lisa Wanek, Wayne State College Presenter: Rachel Kunz, Wayne State CollegeLocation: Chesapeake C, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 386
Location: Chesapeake C, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 386
2023031715:3016:45 002 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Publishing Essentials for Early Career Scholars
This session focuses on helping early career scholars, including post-graduates, navigate the publishing process. It will offer guidance, tips, and resources on a range of issues including expectations regarding data transparency and research ethics; navigating funder rules on publication and public availability; open access and the open research movement; and maximizing the potential that your article is seen, read, and cited, as well as how to track impact.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Jacquelyn Fernholz, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Presenter: Bryanna Fox, University of South Florida Presenter: Marvin Krohn, University of FloridaLocation: Chesapeake C, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 379
Location: Chesapeake C, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 379
2023031714:0015:15 014 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Planning for Academic Administration: A Leadership Pathfinding Approach
Career advancement from faculty to administration comes with potential pitfalls. Many universities do not offer training or resources to help faculty make the transition into administration or establish clear expectations of the role. This workshop is presented by Marshall Jones, who has well over a decade of experience as administrative-faculty as well as leadership scholar and author. The nuances between management and leadership will be explored. Strategies in preparing for administration will be discussed as well as leadership development strategies from the perspective of a leadership pathfinding approach, developed by the presenter.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Marshall Alan Jones, Florida Institute of TechnologyLocation: Chesapeake F, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 450
Location: Chesapeake F, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 450
2023031709:3010:45 013 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Engagement with a Twist: Creating a More Engaging Classroom Environment without Learning New Technology
The academic literature is filled with articles on the lack of student engagement post-Covid. Faculty struggle with getting students engaged with each other and the course material without having to learn new technology or apps to facilitate classroom engagement. This workshop will provide you with ideas and tools to increase student engagement inside and outside of the classroom that do not require you to learn new technologies. Bring an assignment and/or activity you currently use in your classroom and learn how to be more innovative in engaging students in your classroom. Additional resources will be shared with all participants.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Amy Poland, St. Joseph's University-New York Presenter: Erika Frenzel, Indiana University of PennsylvaniaLocation: Chesapeake G, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 445
Location: Chesapeake G, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 445
2023031709:3010:45 008 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Employment Exchange Special Session: Tips for a Successful Job Interview
The workshop is run by ACJS Employment Exchange Program and will introduce step-by-step processes pertaining to the employment process at academic institutions. Since schools slightly vary in their administration, the workshop will focus on common practices. Also, the presenters will share tips on how to identify schools based on their interest in teaching and research, how to prepare curriculum vitae, and how to handle interviews, among others. Attendants will have opportunities to ask questions during the workshop.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Patricia Dahl, Washburn University Presenter: Renee D Lamphere, University of North Carolina at PembrokeLocation: Chesapeake G, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 323
Location: Chesapeake G, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 323
2023031608:0009:15 007 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Concepts and Applications of Restorative Justice
This open workshop will introduce participants to the basic concepts of restorative justice (RJ) and their application in communities, the justice system, and in everyday life. The presenters will highlight, through a discussion of interconnectedness, accountability, and peacemaking, the applied practices of a community accountability board, a community mural arts program, and the use of circle processes. Participants can share their own experiences with RJ as we seek to move restorative practices into the mainstream.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Timothy Holler, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Presenter: Ellen Wertlieb, SUNY Schenectady County Community College Presenter: J.Renee Trombley, Metropolitan State University of DenverLocation: Chesapeake H, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 277
Location: Chesapeake H, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 277
2023031615:3016:45 004 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E19BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
How to Promote Your Research and Expertise on TV and Radio
As crime and criminal justice topics continue to unfold in the news, reporters at TV and radio stations need credible, knowledgeable and prepared experts to address trending issues. During this media training workshop, the Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA) will provide resources, tips and best practices to help you promote your findings with target audiences. Learn how to prepare for on-camera interviews, handle tough questions, and maximize on live segments to promote your research and expertise. The session will conclude with the opportunity to participate in a mock TV studio and put to test what they learned!
Speaker(s): Presenter: Caitlin Kizielewicz, Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA)Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 346
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 346
2023031609:3010:45 006 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
How to Promote Your Research and Expertise to Print and Online Journalists
Reporters at mainstream media outlets need credible, knowledgeable and prepared experts to address trending crime and criminal justice issues. During this media training workshop, the Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA) will provide resources, tips and best practices to help you promote your findings with target audiences. Learn how to establish relationships with reporters, summarize your findings and navigate tough questions to ensure your research is accurately represented. Whether you have been interviewed a dozen times or have yet to engage with reporters, this workshop will offer useful tips for experts looking to engage with print and online journalists.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Caitlin Kizielewicz, Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA)Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 239
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 239
2023031612:3013:45 005 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
How to Write and Place Op-Eds in Media Outlets
As crime and criminal justice topics continue to break in the news, media outlets need credible, knowledgeable and prepared experts to share their research, expertise and opinions on trending issues. During this workshop, the Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA) will review how to write and secure an op-ed, draft pitches to reporters and author byline articles. As the demand for original content continues, media outlets need your expertise and want to know about your opinion on timely issues – learn how to make your voice heard in the national crime and criminal justice discussion.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Caitlin Kizielewicz, Crime and Justice Research Alliance (CJRA)Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 266
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 266
2023031614:0015:15 011 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Using Role Play to Teach Justice
This open workshop will be an interactive, participant driven, exercise to practice the use of role play in teaching about sensitive topics. In this session, volunteer audience participants will learn how to create safe spaces for students to express themselves, tackle difficult subjects with respect and candor, and how to generate thoughtful questions that illicit meaningful discussion in a classroom. Additionally, this workshop will give participants the opportunity to practice giving meaningful feedback, directing emotional sensitivities, and reimagining a classroom where learning is active and constructive.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Martha Earwood, University of Alabama at Birmingham Presenter: Brandon Blankenship, University of Alabama at BirminghamLocation: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 163
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 163
2023031514:0015:15 016 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Stewardship of Justice: A New Model for Student Recruitment and Engagement
Research on criminal justice majors highlights that students are heavily focused on developing skills that will allow them to create sustainable change within their areas of interest. Therefore, it is vital that we respond to this appropriately and in a way that appeals to the needs of non-traditional, first-generation and other underserved and marginalized student populations. As such, we have developed an organizing framework for justice studies, named the Stewardship of Justice Model. There are five-justice styles within this model, creating an inclusive, wrap-around engagement initiative.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Misty Kay Campbell, University of Missouri-Kansas City Presenter: Lori Sexton, University of Missouri Kansas CityLocation: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 180
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 180
2023031515:3016:45 014 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
So You Got Hired! Now What? Tips for Junior Faculty Members
It is not uncommon for a newly hired junior faculty member to struggle with the transition from their role as a doctoral student to an assistant professor. This session addresses common concerns and challenges junior faculty may face at the start of their academic career. Topics include understanding how to deal with imposter syndrome, learning the ins and outs of the university (e.g., politics), knowing how to advocate for oneself, developing time management strategies, and networking with other new faculty members.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Monica Summers, California State University FresnoLocation: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 361
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 361
2023031711:0012:15 000 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Building the Brand with New Media
This interactive workshop will explore techniques used to develop a brand for scholarship and identities as teachers, researchers, and citizens! Throughout this session, we will talk about some of the ways various digital technologies are being utilized to help academics engage with others and to emphasize their work. We will also cover the Do’s and Don'ts of digital networking, along with tips for content creation. Participants will also have opportunities to build or refine their profiles and to begin work on crafting their brands through this session.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Jared Dmello, Sam Houston State UniversityLocation: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 344
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 344
2023031609:3010:45 004 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Instructional Technology as a Pedagogical Tool
The rapid and monumental shifts that educational institutions experienced in the wake of COVID-19 resulted in faculty thinking of new and innovative ways to engage students. Consequently, a wealth of instructional technologies have become central components to contemporary pedagogy. In this workshop, we will explore various approaches to implementing instructional technologies into the classroom as well as tips and tricks for how to transform "traditional" materials into a tech-driven approach that engages students operating in an increasingly digital world. Panelists include award-winning teachers who have been recognized for their pedagogy, who will share their various experiences.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Jared Dmello, Sam Houston State University Presenter: Stuti Kokkalera, Sam Houston State University College of Criminal Justice Presenter: Wanda E. Leal, Sam Houston State University Presenter: Kathleen Ratajczak, Sam Houston State UniversityLocation: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 292
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 292
2023031615:3016:45 009 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Rethinking Strategies for Police Selection, Training, Leadership, and Retention: The Game Has Changed
This interactive workshop examines current issues and trends impacting police recruiting, organizational behavior, culture, and retention. Current research will be explored highlighting shifting candidate-pool challenges requiring new approaches. Emerging practices will be discussed related to recruiting strategies, selection processes, field training strategies, leadership issues, and retention outcomes. This workshop is geared to address issues for practitioners, scholars, and teachers.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Marshall Alan Jones, Florida Institute of TechnologyLocation: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 487
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 487
2023031714:0015:15 012 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Linking ACJS Program Standards to Institutional Assessments
Many criminal justice and criminology programs use the ACJS Program Standards as benchmarks for program review. The program standards are particularly helpful when academic programs face external review by accrediting organizations. This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how faculty can link the program standards to their institutional assessments. Participants are encouraged to their department of program assessment plans to the workshop.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Kimberly D Dodson, University of Houston-Clear Lake Presenter: Janice Joseph, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Presenter: Jared R Dmello, Sam Houston State University Presenter: Paul Gormley, Lynn UniversityLocation: National Harbor 9, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 449
Location: National Harbor 9, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 449
2023031709:3010:45 012 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E19BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A A7E326DD-DC4F-ED11-80F8-837ECB17DC55 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
Mapping Data to Reveal and Reflect Upon Our History of Injustice in an Undergraduate Course
Americans, now more than ever, have been forced to reckon with a history of injustice which has manifested in broad structural inequality. Visualizing data that reflects this history is a powerful pedagogy for undergraduate students to analyze public policy, which supports healthy communities, crime, or perpetuates injustice. Students use data to discern their position and place in our community ecosystem while engaging with course themes and exploring the social structures or agents of justice (e.g., employment, immigration, race, education, health care, housing). This workshop aims to introduce the technology undergraduate students use to map data and analyze places of justice.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Cyndi Rickards, Drexel UniversityLocation: National Harbor 9, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 118
Location: National Harbor 9, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 118
2023031511:0012:15 009 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Build Them and They Will Come: Criminal Justice Learning Communities
The need for high impact practices to recruit and retain college students has become a paramount concern for many universities. Early evidence of our first learning community dedicated to criminal justice (CJLC) students from matriculation to graduation has shown promise in bolstering recruitment and retention. CJLC students take cohort-style classes allowing for projects and experiences matched to common goals and interests beyond the traditional curriculum. In this interactive workshop, we will (1) share our experiences with developing and implementing a CJLC and (2) provide attendees with key components and questions to consider when proposing a CJLC on their campuses.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Catherine Pape, Bowling Green State University Presenter: Sara Lucak, Bowling Green State University Presenter: Tom Gorman, Bowling Green State University Presenter: Melissa Burek, Bowling Green State UniversityLocation: National Harbor 9, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 259
Location: National Harbor 9, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 259
2023031614:0015:15 005 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Tips for Completing the Dissertation
This seminar provides students with strategies on how to successfully develop and complete a doctoral dissertation. Topics include developing a dissertation idea, selecting a committee, creating and maintaining organization of sources, data, developing a writing schedule, preparing for the defense, and publishing. Questions from students are addressed in an open format.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Deeanna M. Button, Stockton University Presenter: Stephanie Lipson Mizrahi, California State University, Sacramento Presenter: Melissa Noel, Temple UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 358
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 358
2023031609:3010:45 018 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Doctoral Summit: Navigating the Job Market - Part 1 (Closed Session)
This seminar demystifies the job market for students in criminology and criminal justice who are getting ready to graduate by providing useful tips on how to seek out and obtain employment. Topics discussed include identifying open positions, using job ads to draft cover letters and teaching/research statements, recommendation letter etiquette, completing job talks and responding to job offers. Questions from students are also addressed in an open format.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Deeanna M. Button, Stockton University Presenter: Monica Summers, California State University FresnoLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 370
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 370
2023031714:0015:15 005 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Doctoral Summit: Navigating the Job Market - Part 2 (Closed Session)
This seminar demystifies the job market for students in criminology and criminal justice who are getting ready to graduate by providing useful tips on how to seek out and obtain employment. Topics discussed include identifying open positions, using job ads to draft cover letters and teaching/research statements, recommendation letter etiquette, completing job talks and responding to job offers. Questions from students are also addressed in an open format.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Deeanna M. Button, Stockton University Presenter: Monica Summers, California State University Fresno Presenter: Courtney Porter, Marymount University Presenter: Sam Fastow, Marymount UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 388
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 388
2023031715:3016:45 004 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Doctoral Summit: Life Outside of the Ivory Tower: Finding a Healthy Work-Life Balance (Closed Session)
Academia is overwhelming with the demands placed on both personal and professional lives. The demand takes a serious toll on physical and emotional well-being. In this session, students think about how to handle these challenges before problems arise, and develop a set of strategies that may help maintain a healthy work-life balance. Specific time-management and self-care strategies easily incorporated into a daily routine to help reduce stress levels are provided.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Heather L. Pfeifer, University of BaltimoreLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 322
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 322
2023031608:0009:15 006 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Data, Charts and Briefs - Oh My!
Many academics struggle with how to explain or present research and data to practitioners, government officials, and lay persons in consumable ways. This seminar provides an overview of strategies and techniques to present data and research to various audiences. Participants work together to identify key data points relevant to the target audience and discuss potential ways to convey the information to target audiences.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Courtney Porter, Marymount UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 288
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 288
2023031615:3016:45 005 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Doctoral Summit: Identity-Based Barriers in Academia - Part 1 (Closed Session)
This session addresses identity-based barriers in academia. Students engage in break-out discussions with several seasoned academics who share their own experiences related to gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality identities. Students have the opportunity to converse with at least eight different faculty about impactful experiences associated with identities while also critically examining current discriminatory practices across the field and forging potential strategies to address individual and structural barriers within higher education.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Deeanna M. Button, Stockton University Presenter: Brian K. Payne, Old Dominion University Presenter: Bitna Kim, Sam Houston State University Presenter: Anthony A. Peguero, Arizona State University Presenter: Robert Brown, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Presenter: Kenethia Fuller, North Carolina Central University Presenter: Elias Nader, Kent State University Speaker: Starr Solomon, Kent State UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 417
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 417
2023031708:0009:15 006 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Doctoral Summit: Identity-Based Barriers in Academia - Part 2 (Closed Session)
This session addresses identity-based barriers in academia. Students engage in break-out discussions with several seasoned academics who share their own experiences related to gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality identities. Students have the opportunity to converse with at least eight different faculty about impactful experiences associated with identities while also critically examining current discriminatory practices across the field and forging potential strategies to address individual and structural barriers within higher education.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Deeanna M. Button, Stockton University Presenter: Anthony A. Peguero, Arizona State University Presenter: Robert Brown, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Presenter: Brian K. Payne, Old Dominion University Presenter: Elias Nader, Kent State UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 442
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 442
2023031709:3010:45 006 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM EST
Doctoral Summit: Networking in the Digital Age (Closed Session)
A phrase commonly circulated in academia, particularly as advice to doctoral students, is “Networking matters!”. But what exactly does this mean? Even more challenging, how does one network in an increasing digital age? The first major consideration is exploring the types of networking available and helping identify what works best for our strengths and weaknesses. In this workshop, participants will explore approaches to networking, conversations about balancing mental health and networking, as well as best practices for successfully engaging in professional opportunities for connectivity.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Jared Dmello, Sam Houston State University Presenter: Kellie Wallace, Lasell UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 183
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 183
2023031516:1517:30 000 | WED, MAR 15 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Doctoral Summit: Understanding and Developing Your Emotional Intelligence (Closed Session)
Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others and use this ability and awareness to manage your behaviors and relationships. Research shows that emotional intelligence influences the quality and effectiveness of social and work relationships and has a direct impact on happiness and well-being. This session offers self-management and social awareness strategies and activities to change the way you see yourself and others around you for more effective leadership.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Christina Perry, Peregrine Global ServicesLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 263
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 263
2023031614:0015:15 008 | THU, MAR 16 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
But I Don’t Want to Teach!
Many Ph.D. students target academic jobs, but often fail to consider other types of careers that are possible with a Ph.D. Working for a non-profit, research group, or government agency are among the possibilities and this panel exposes students to the various career paths outside traditional academia. Speakers discuss their personal experience working with a Ph.D. in a non-academic environment. Benefits and challenges of their work will be highlighted.
Speaker(s): Presenter: Courtney Porter, Marymount University Presenter: Sam Fastow, Marymount University Presenter: Holly Stevens, Legal Services Corp Presenter: Victoria Goldberg, Booz Allen Hamilton Presenter: Ajima Olaghere, Temple UniversityLocation: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 360
Location: National Harbor 6/7, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 360
2023031711:0012:15 000 | FRI, MAR 17 |
0403B055-E7B5-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |