Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Leadership Partnerships: New Approaches to Law Enforcement Leadership Training
Entering its 7th year, this roundtable will showcase programs that offer leadership collaborations where academic institutions are responding to demands from the criminal justice field. This year, after a review of Leadership Partnerships, the group will be exploring special programs targeting specific audiences. There are several underserved populations in the law enforcement field that need specialized leadership training. For example, women make up around 12% of sworn officers but only 3% of police leadership in the U.S. Leadership training which targets this group could greatly assist overall representation and boost the number of women in management positions.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Damon Camp, Georgia State University Discussant: Dean Dabney, Georgia State University Discussant: Gerry Vito, University of Louisville Discussant: Jim Alexander, Texas Woman's University Discussant: Bob Taylor, University of Texas at Dallas Discussant: Joseph Schafer, Saint Louise University Discussant: Chuck Williamson, Anderson University Discussant: Jane Hall, Society of Police Futurists International
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 170
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 170
2023031515:3016:45 004 | WED, MAR 15 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
When Arrest Isn’t Best: Creating a Culture of Police-Led, Pre-Arrest Diversion.
Police-led deflection from the legal system is a less expensive, more effective intervention for nonviolent people accused of crimes related to social-service issues. But, creating a culture of deflection is difficult. To be successful, the efficacy and value of the approach must be woven into daily police practices, with proper training and robust partnerships with community resources. We will discuss police characteristics, the concept of deflection and how to create a culture of pre-arrest diversion. The benefits of deflection for officers, the community and the justice system will be highlighted using The PathFinder Initiative as an example.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Jillian Snider, R Street Institute/John Jay College of Criminal Justice Discussant: Christi M. Smith, R Street Institute Discussant: Todd Kessler, Bucks County Sheriff's Office Discussant: Justin Sturkey, Bucks County Sheriff's Office
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 403
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 403
2023031715:3016:45 018 | FRI, MAR 17 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Supporting Law Enforcement Officers? Mental and Physical Health and Wellness
In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion about police reform. These discussions have brought the uniqueness of law enforcement work, and the toll of secondary trauma on officer behavior, to the forefront. Seminal works like Gilmartin (2021) and the University of Chicago Crime Lab’s systemic analysis (2021) underscore the importance of organizationally promoting mental and physical wellness for officers. In 2022, we used surveys, interviews, and case studies to determine law enforcement officers' thoughts and concerns about wellness: what resources they have access to, and what they believe would support their work and promote wellness
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Adam Stearn, Curry College Author: Rebecca Kendall, Curry College Author: Jennifer Balboni, Curry College Author: Stephanie Cappadona, Curry College
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 251
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 251
2023031612:3013:45 016 | THU, MAR 16 |
971A2026-8178-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Organizational Structures, Leadership, and Justice
Speaker(s): Chair: Jeff Bumgarner, North Dakota State University
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 155
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 155
2023031514:0015:15 008 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Police Accountability and Leadership
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Steve Romero, Tarleton State University
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 451
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 451
2023031709:3010:45 014 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Community Members Perceptions of the Police
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Liz Athaide-Victor, TIYO
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 276
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 276
2023031615:3016:45 003 | THU, MAR 16 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Criminal Investigation Topics
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Carlene Y. Barnaby, Kingsborough Community College, CUNY
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 416
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 416
2023031708:0009:15 005 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Media, Social Media, and the Police
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Jane Tucker, West Chester University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 375
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 375
2023031714:0015:15 010 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Police Decision Making
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Ermus St. Louis, Northeastern University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 328
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 328
2023031608:0009:15 012 | THU, MAR 16 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
National Issues and Volunteer Police Programs
There has been a growing recognition in policing scholarship that the relationship between the police and the public is symbiotic—each is dependent upon the other for support. Numerous ways for the public to assist with “police work” at the community level have been introduced during the past half century. Still, many of these initiatives have failed to have any real impact on crime levels. With an emphasis on the United States, these types of programs will be discussed by police representatives, crime prevention practitioners, and faculty.
Speaker(s): Moderator: Martin Greenberg, New York State Association of Auxiliary Police, Inc. Moderator & Discussant: Adam Dobrin, Florida Atlantic University Discussant: Hyeyoung Lim, University of Alabama at Birmingham Discussant: Richard Mason, Camden County College / Rowan College of South Jersey Discussant: Charles Kocher, Rowan College of South Jersey
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 485
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 485
2023031808:0009:15 010 | SAT, MAR 18 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 5E608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Reform and Adaptation for Law Enforcement
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Richard Helfers
Law Enforcement Operations, Personnel, and Training
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 504
Location: Azalea 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 504
2023031809:3010:45 011 | SAT, MAR 18 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EFDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Women of Color in Law Enforcement Leadership
Women in law enforcement leadership positions face a variety of challenges, hurdles, and unique experiences due to the nature of law enforcement work. Women of color experience harsh difficulties like no other demographic group in law enforcement that are often ignored, not recognized, and simply not even discussed in any platform. The harsh reality experienced by women of color in law enforcement should be brought to light to improve diversity in our law enforcement agencies. This discussion will offer a first hand experience reflection of the realities experienced from a retired police commander and executive police leader.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Francia Done Henry, MION Consulting Discussant: Maddy Roman Scott, MION Consulting Discussant: Alyza Brevard Rodriguez
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 254
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 254
2023031612:3013:45 019 | THU, MAR 16 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Policing Strategies and Crime Prevention
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Michael C. Walker, Pasaic County Community College
Investigation and Evidentiary Issues in Policing
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 378
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 378
2023031714:0015:15 013 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 0107711A-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Policing, Politics, and Stress
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Andrew Costello, Monroe College
Investigation and Evidentiary Issues in Policing
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 452
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 452
2023031709:3010:45 015 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 0107711A-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Police Legitimacy
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Nathan Kruis, Penn State Altoona
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 227
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 227
2023031509:3010:45 012 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Police Officer Well-Being
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Stacey Clifton, Radford University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 329
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 329
2023031608:0009:15 013 | THU, MAR 16 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Police Reform
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Michael Fischer, Norfolk State University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 486
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 486
2023031808:0009:15 011 | SAT, MAR 18 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Police Research: A (Jim) Frank Discussion
This roundtable will discuss the substantial contribution to the study of policing made by University of Cincinnati Professor Jim Frank during his academic career. His work has focused on the decision-making behavior of street level officers and citizen attitudes toward police. His funded research includes projects on use of force, police officer selection, community policing, and race and traffic stops. As he prepares to retire, Jim’s teaching and mentorship continues to impact the study of policing. Dr. Frank is a past President of ACJS and MCJA.
Speaker(s): Moderator: Beth A Sanders, Bowling Green State University Discussant: Lisa Bostaph, Boise State University Discussant: Thomas "Tad" Hughes, University Of Lousville Discussant: Christine Famega, California State University San Bernadino Discussant: John Liederbach, Bowling Green State University Discussant: Kenneth Novak, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 295
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 295
2023031615:3016:45 011 | THU, MAR 16 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
Justice and Legitimacy in Policing: Transforming the Institution
This roundtable will discuss contributions to an edited book entitled Justice and Legitimacy in Policing: Transforming the Institution. The book critically analyzes the state of American policing and evaluates proposed solutions to reform/transform the institution, such as improving the use of body-worn cameras, increasing diversity in police agencies, the problem of crimmigration, limiting qualified immunity, and the abolitionist movement.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Miltonette Olivia Craig, Sam Houston State University Moderator & Discussant: Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill, Arizona State University Discussant: Kelsey Kramer, Sam Houston State University Discussant: Akiv Dawson, Georgia Southern University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 463
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 463
2023031811:0012:15 007 | SAT, MAR 18 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Police Related Performance Studies
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Brian P. Kelly, Farmingdale State College
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 502
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 502
2023031809:3010:45 009 | SAT, MAR 18 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Police Use of Force
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: John DeCarlo, University of New Haven
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 142
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 142
2023031512:3013:45 016 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
NIJ LEADS Panel: Examining Traffic Stop Data Collection and Analysis
Over the last two decades, at least 23 states have passed legislation requiring law enforcement agencies to collect data on all routine traffic stops due to a growing demand for transparency. Stop data collection is an important tool for law enforcement agencies to examine, for example, whether there is any evidence of racial profiling, officer productivity, and the effects of changes to policies and practices. Nevertheless, collecting and analyzing stop data has presented challenges for practitioners and researchers and this panel provides insight on some of these challenges and recommendations for others to consider.
Speaker(s): Chair: Jack McDevitt, Northeastern University Chair: Janice Anne Iwama, American University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 119
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 119
2023031511:0012:15 010 | WED, MAR 15 |
971A2026-8178-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
The Intersection of the Police and Mental Health
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Andrew S. Denney, Loyola University New Orleans
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 161
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 161
2023031514:0015:15 014 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
The Impact of "Ferguson Effect" on Police and Policing in Community Relationships
The aftermath of Ferguson saw an increase in violent and related crimes in about 56 largest cities in US between 2014-2015. This has been termed "Ferguson effect". The term may be contentious, but it has fascinated defenders of police; who argued that protests against police actions have made policing difficult. Contrarily, some argued that the term suggests that if crimes increase as police suspend action, the public should be blamed for their outcry against the police. This study evaluates the demoralization of the police after the Ferguson uproar and the attendant violence and proffers a tenable solution for acceptable police-community-partnership.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Obinna Paschal Ezeihuoma, University of Pittsburgh Discussant: Cajetan Chidi Ihe, University of Pittsburgh Discussant: Ngozi J Ihe, Texas Southern University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 182
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 182
2023031515:3016:45 016 | WED, MAR 15 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Using Literature to Raise Empathy for Migrants and Law Enforcement Officers on the US-Mexico Border
A collaborative discussion of use of creative nonfiction novels to raise awareness and compassion for migrants and law enforcement officers on the US-Mexico border and how this relates to Criminal Justice studies. Professor Tim Hernández (UTEP faculty in Bilingual Creative Writing) and Lecturer Mike Magee (UTRGV faculty in the Criminal Justice Department) will also present the works of undergraduate criminal justice students’ creative interpretations of the nonfiction novels “All They Will Call You” and “Lines and Shadows” through their original works of art and poetry. Professor Hernández will discuss his book, “All They Will Call You”.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Robert Magee Discussant: Tim Z. Hernandez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Discussant: Lucas Espinoza, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 428
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 428
2023031708:0009:15 017 | FRI, MAR 17 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
Challenges Facing Police Recruitment
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Johnny Nhan, Texas Christian University
Law Enforcement Operations, Personnel, and Training
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 196
Location: Azalea 2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 196
2023031508:0009:15 003 | WED, MAR 15 |
D090122B-22D2-EC11-80F5-E0D820FBE93A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EFDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Challenges for Retention of Law Enforcement
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Scott M. Mourtgos, University of Utah
Law Enforcement Operations, Personnel, and Training
Location: Azalea 3, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 220
Location: Azalea 3, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 220
2023031509:3010:45 005 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EFDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
Diversity and Disadvantaged Populations in Policing
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Frederick A Williams Jr., Kentucky State University
Law Enforcement Operations, Personnel, and Training
Location: Azalea 3, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 114
Location: Azalea 3, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 114
2023031511:0012:15 005 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EFDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
How Southern Slave Patrols Impact Contemporary Civil Rights, Crime, and Social Justice
The development of American policing is often told from an urban-North perspective. That focus ignores events in the colonial and antebellum South where law enforcement developed prior to and concurrently with—but differently from—its development in the North. Specifically, Southern slave patrols were created out of a fear of slaves and a desire for protection from them. How did that history influence the development of policing and how might it explain contemporary civil rights, crime, and social justice issues? This roundtable considers that question and draws on topics ranging from arrest rates and race-based control, to de-fund the police arguments.
Speaker(s): Moderator: Philip Reichel, University of Northern Colorado Discussant: Lorenzo Boyd, University of New Haven Discussant: Robert Brown, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Discussant: Delores Jones-Brown Discussant: Matthew Ward, University of Southern Mississippi
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Maryland 3, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 136
Location: Maryland 3, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 136
2023031512:3013:45 010 | WED, MAR 15 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 5E608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
Police Perceptions and Behavior
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Laurie Becker, University of North Georgia
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Maryland 5, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 467
Location: Maryland 5, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 467
2023031811:0012:15 011 | SAT, MAR 18 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Teen and Police Service Academy: Theory to Practice
The Teen And Police Service Academy reduces the social distance between at-risk youth and police to increase social bonding. The curriculum is approved by the Texas Education Agency to award one high school credit to students upon successful completion teaching concepts of 21st Century Policing. The panel will move present theory and practice, application of service-learning, research findings from pre and post-test evaluation as well as the use of academic internships in the Youth and Police Studies Minor, undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Houston- Clear Lake.
Speaker(s): Chair: Everette B Penn, Teen And Police Service Academy
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Maryland 6, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 507
Location: Maryland 6, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 507
2023031809:3010:45 014 | SAT, MAR 18 |
971A2026-8178-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Police Accountability in the 21st Century
This panel will discuss changes to police accountability including internal and external measures, governmental oversight at the state and local levels, consent decrees, civilian and non-governmental oversight, and community pressure for police reform.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Andrew Costello, Monroe College Discussant: Charles Lieberman, Mercy College Discussant: Eric Dlugolenski, Central Connecticut State University Discussant: Nicole Napolitano, John jay College
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 377
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 377
2023031714:0015:15 012 | FRI, MAR 17 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Policing Topics on Personnel, Decision-Making, and Loss Prevention
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Kimberly Przeszlowski, Florida International University
Law Enforcement Administration and Leadership
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 397
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 397
2023031715:3016:45 012 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EBDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Police Executives on Critical Issues: Linking Research & Practice
The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), and PERF’s Division of Research aim to improve the link between researchers and practitioners. This roundtable will feature local police executives who have worked with researchers, moderated by PERF’s Executive Director, Chuck Wexler. Policing panelists will discuss what research efforts they believe could help them with critical issues facing modern policing and their prior experience working with researchers. Attendees will get a view into what is keeping police executives up at night, how they have worked to put research into practice, and how researchers and police agencies can successfully partner to improve policing.
Speaker(s): Moderator: Chuck Wexler, Police Executive Research Forum Discussant: Meagan Cahill, Police Executive Research Forum Discussant: Jeremy Barnum, Police Executive Research Forum Discussant: Danielle M Fenimore, Police Executive Research Forum
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 141
Location: Maryland 1-2, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 141
2023031512:3013:45 015 | WED, MAR 15 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
NIJ’s Drugs and Crime Research: Drug Surveillance, Internet Markets, Drug-Related Violent Crime, and Data-Led Enforcement
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) supports rigorous applied research to inform development of evidence-based tools, practices, and policies for state, tribal, and local law enforcement and other criminal justice agencies that address drug trafficking, drug markets, and drug-related violence. NIJ invited researchers to present findings from NIJ's Drugs and Crime Research Portfolio grants, which examine narcotics-related criminal investigation, prosecution, intelligence, and community surveillance relevant to law enforcement and medico legal death investigation. Drug markets include marijuana, fentanyl, methamphetamine, and other types. The multidisciplinary projects range from forensics to computer technology, and social science analysis of quantitative and qualitative information.
Speaker(s): Chair: Linda Truitt, National Institute of Justice, US Department of Justice
Law Enforcement Technology and Specialized Units
Location: Chesapeake E, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 172
Location: Chesapeake E, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 172
2023031515:3016:45 006 | WED, MAR 15 |
971A2026-8178-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A E39BF2ED-1DBC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F3DAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
Law Enforcement Specialized Units
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Maria (Maki) Haberfeld, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Law Enforcement Technology and Specialized Units
Location: Chesapeake E, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 138
Location: Chesapeake E, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 138
2023031512:3013:45 012 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F3DAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023 |
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Law Enforcement Technology
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Matthew Teti, Northeastern University
Law Enforcement Technology and Specialized Units
Location: Chesapeake E, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 154
Location: Chesapeake E, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 154
2023031514:0015:15 007 | WED, MAR 15 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F3DAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 |
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:45 PM EST
The Militarization of Police: The Use of Military Equipment and Tactics by Police Officers
One raid frequently cited as a major overreach is the use of a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SWAT team to raid the Gibson Guitar company. Violation of law in question was the importation of endangered or threated rare wild woods. The raid resulted the seizure of foreign wood and importation documentation, there was not threat to human life. There were not any indicates to suspect Gibson would not be cooperative. USFWS used a SWAT team to raid a guitar business for records of illegal wood importation. We need to reassess the role SWAT plays in some law enforcement settings.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Michael Steinmetz, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Discussant: Robert Magee Discussant: Lucas Espinoza, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Law Enforcement Technology and Specialized Units
Location: Chesapeake G, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 253
Location: Chesapeake G, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 253
2023031612:3013:45 018 | THU, MAR 16 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F3DAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Investigations, Evidence and Policing
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Kenneth Ryan, California State University Fresno
Investigation and Evidentiary Issues in Policing
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 373
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 373
2023031714:0015:15 008 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 0107711A-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 17, 2023
3:30 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Policing Around the World
Speaker(s): Author & Chair: Monday Agbeyi, University of Port Harcourt
Investigation and Evidentiary Issues in Policing
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 396
Location: National Harbor 1, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 396
2023031715:3016:45 011 | FRI, MAR 17 |
F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 0107711A-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
Assessing the Reliability of Fingerprint Development
Previous research material focuses on the examination of fingerprints and the permeability of fingerprints. However, the research is lacking on how we develop or enhance these key pieces of evidence. In this round table, we will discuss the current best practices in latent fingerprint development. We will focus on their reliability and validity in the field of crime scene investigation. This area of research is important because according to the PCAST report, released in 2016 on Forensic Science, more black box studies need to be conducted to improve the validity of latent fingerprint examination.
Speaker(s): Moderator: Darien Robinson, North Carolina Agricultural and State University Discussant: Mya Cross, North Carolina A&T State University Discussant: Moriah Nichols, North Carolina A&T State University Discussant: Jelina Relford, North Carolina A&T State University Discussant: Daniel Moore, North Carolina A&T State University Discussant: Durojahye Hamilton, North Carolina A&T State University
Law Enforcement Technology and Specialized Units
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 457
Location: National Harbor 8, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 457
2023031811:0012:15 001 | SAT, MAR 18 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F3DAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM EST
Enhancing Police and Community Trust in Rural Mississippi: A Mixed Method Approach
The motivation for this study is the perception, especially in the media, that the police relationship with minority group community members is lacking in relation to public trust and police legitimacy. The Southern Poverty Law Center partly funded this research because of their interest in the relationship and perception of the police in rural Mississippi. This study examines these issues and explores other ways to advance police citizen cooperation, trust, and legitimacy between ethnic minorities and the police. A mixed-method approach was employed to gather information for this study.
Speaker(s): Moderator & Discussant: Rochelle E. McGee-Cobbs, Mississippi Valley State University Discussant: Sherill E. Morris-Francis, Mississippi Valley State University Discussant: O. Oko Elechi, Mississippi Valley State University Discussant: Kathryn Green, Mississippi Valley State University
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: National Harbor 14, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 459
Location: National Harbor 14, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 459
2023031811:0012:15 003 | SAT, MAR 18 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023 |
Saturday, Mar 18, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM EST
The Multi-Faceted Benefits of Co-Responder Teams to Help Those in Crisis
Law enforcement and crisis response systems face unique challenges and increased scrutiny when responding to individuals experiencing behavioral health crises. To address these challenges, Co-Responder programs pair mental health workers with Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) officers to engage and assess individuals at the time of crisis, link individuals to the appropriate community-based services, and reduce pressure on the criminal justice system. Findings from a Co-Responder team operating in a large urban city will be discussed, including the development and implementation of the Co-Responder program, initial outcomes, and lessons learned that may assist other communities with implementing a similar Co-Responder model.
Speaker(s): Discussant: Michelle Riske-Morris, The Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education, CWRU Discussant: Rodney Thomas, Case Western Reserve University, Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education Discussant: Anya Nazarenko, Case Western Reserve University, Begun Center for Violence Prevention Research and Education
Law Enforcement Decision-Making, Behavior, and Community Relations
Location: National Harbor 15, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 490
Location: National Harbor 15, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center Session Code: 490
2023031808:0009:15 015 | SAT, MAR 18 |
DA468EBE-2A88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A 60608233-21BC-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A F6B02431-2B88-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A EDDAD17D-CDAE-EC11-80F4-EC7F36E6C06A |